GFLEX is a finite difference code for Earth scientific applications. It solves a flexure equation for small vertical deformations of a thin (Kirchhoff) plate, linear isotropic elasticity, and plane stress conditions. Plate thickness can vary within the two-dimensional Cartesian map domain. DOWNLOAD for free.

The current version (1.1) has a number of limitations:

Please reference the following paper in publications that used the code: 
Govers, R., Meijer, P.Th., and Krijgsman, W., Regional isostatic response to Messinian salinity crisis events, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.09.026, 2008 PDF.
This paper contains information about the equations and other relevant issues related to the code.

Licence to Use  
Copyright (C) 2008 Rob Govers, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. The distribution includes a file "COPYING" with GPL copy licence information.  

A gzipped tarfile of the current GFLEX version (1.1) can be downloaded by clicking here. This code was extensively tested on a GNU/Linux platform.

Messinian topo/bathymetry of the Mediterranean

Files are in GMT/netCDF or ASCII format; grd file - ascii file - image

Please reference the following paper in publications that use the grid:
Govers, R., Meijer, P.Th., and Krijgsman, W., Regional isostatic response to Messinian salinity crisis events, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.09.026, 2008 PDF.