A nonlinear solution to global travel-time tomography

Harmen Bijwaard and Wim Spakman

Vening Meinesz School of Geodynamics, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
E-mail: bijwaard@geo.uu.nl

In the last few years results obtained by global travel time tomography have been greatly improved by refinement of the parameterization scales toward those often employed in regional tomography studies (Zhou, JGR, 1996; Van der Hilst et al., Nature, 1997).
Recently, Bijwaard et al. (JGR, 1998) constructed a high-resolution global tomography model, mapping upper mantle structure with detail (60-100 km) directly comparable with that obtained in regional studies. The improved imaging allowed among other things for the identification of the previously unrecognizable Mongol-Okhotsk slab (Van der Voo et al., Nature, 1999) and a whole mantle signature of the Icelandic plume (Bijwaard and Spakman, EPSL, 1999). This improvement was achieved through the exploitation of an accurate global data set of 7.6 million P and pP phases (Engdahl et al., BSSA, 1998) and the implementation of a model parameterization with cell sizes adapted to the amount of ray sampling.

However, the in principle nonlinear global tomography problem has up to now always been linearized about the ray paths in the 1-D reference Earth model used. The bending of rays due to lateral heterogeneity has therefore been ignored, although this may be very important when imaging such small-scale structure. To investigate the influence of ray bending on the global tomography done so far, we have extended the linearized tomographic imaging to nonlinear imaging.
Here, we shall present new results obtained from the nonlinear approach. For this purpose a new and fast ray tracing algorithm was developed (Bijwaard and Spakman, submitted to GJI) to be able to trace the entire global data set, consisting of 7.6 million rays, accurately and within a feasible amount of computation time through the model obtained from linearized tomography. After the computation of new travel-time residuals, this new data set has been inverted in a similar way as for the linearized tomography.
The nonlinear results obtained from this inversion indicate significant differences between linear and nonlinear inversions in regions with high-amplitude heterogeneity, i.e. mainly in the upper mantle. In these regions, we observe enhanced focussing and higher amplitudes.