Global nonlinear travel-time tomography

Up to now tomographic travel-time studies of the global seismic velocity structure have been hampered by insufficient data quality and by the basic linearization of the nonlinear travel-time problem about simple 1-D reference models of the Earth. The availability of a new and accurate data set of global first and later seismic arrivals, and the development of new 3-D ray tracing techniques, enable for the first time to assess the global nonlinear travel-time problem. The main research goal is to estimate a solution to the global nonlinear travel-time problem by accounting for the effects of 3-D heterogeneity on ray bending, travel times of seismic phases and earthquake locations.
The entire research project basically consists of three parts. In part 1 the new, global data set of Engdahl et al. (1998) was screened and filtered. Nearly 8 million P and pP phases were selected for the first inversion step: the linear inversion. From the linear inversion a high resolution (smallest cellsize = 60 km) global model was obtained, which accurately depicts the major tectonic structures of the Earth in regions with sufficient data sampling. Most prominent are the high velocity anomalies associated with subduction zones, which often seem to extend well into the lower mantle.
Part 2 consisted of the extension and comparison of 2 existing ray tracing methods for their application in the global, linear model. The main task was the construction of a very fast ray tracer to calculate the 8 million, bent ray paths in a reasonable amount of time.
In part 3 a second inversion step has been performed, which completes the nonlinear inversion. The resulting model has been compared with the linear model to assess the necessity of nonlinear inversion for global tomography. The high resolution global model may be used for comparison with tectonic reconstructions and for other global applications, e.g. related to mantle convection or earthquake location.

Techniques: Large, sparse matrix inversion, staggered grids and ray tracing.
Duration: 01-12-94 until 08-11-99.