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Convection simulations during the iGEO project

Questions can be e-mailed to suzanne dot e dot atkins at gmail dot com If you use any of these data, please cite

Atkins S., Valentine A.P., Tackley P., Trampert J., 2016. Using pattern recognition to infer parameters governing mantle convection, Phys. Earth Plant. Int., 257, 171-186.

Experiment 2 (9999 runs)

Differences from simulations of Experiment 1

Similarities between simulations

Differences between simulations

Varying parameters

VaryingParameters24Oct17.dat contains 9999 lines (number of runs). Below are the definitions of the varying parameters written as (column, StagYY parameter name, description, units):

18 of these are set in the 'par' file:

  1. Rh: Initial radiogenic heating [W/kg]

  2. core_Kppm: Initial core radiogenic potassium concentration [ppm]

  3. Dpartition_hpe: Partition coefficient for radioactive tracers upon melting [factor]

  4. dHeat_dprim: Radioactive heating enhancement in primordial material with respect to bulk mantle [factor]

  5. T0_init: Initial mantle potential temperature [K]

  6. botT_val: Initial CMB temperature [K]

  7. stressY_eta Surface yield stress [M Pa]


  9. eta0: Reference viscosity [Pa s]

  10. V_eta_UM: Viscosity activation volume upper mantle [m^3]

  11. V_eta_LM: Viscosity activation volume lower mantle [m^3]

  12. E_eta_UM: Viscosity activation energy upper mantle

  13. E_eta_LM: Viscosity activation energy lower mantle

  14. d_eta_660: Viscosity jump at 660 factor

  15. deta_primordial: Viscosity contrast between primordial and bulk mantle [factor]

  16. d_primordial: Thickness of primordial material [km] (if = 0, there will still be a file, it is just not used)

  17. basalt_frac_ref: Fraction of basalt end-member in mantle [factor]

  18. intrude_fraction: Fraction of of melt intruded into crust vs erupted at surface

The following 17 parameters affect Perple_X calculations, but are not set in the 'par' file:

  1. MORB Al2O3 mol% for Perple_X calculations

  2. MORB CaO

  3. MORB FeO

  4. MORB MgO

  5. MORB Na2O

  6. MORB SiO2

  7. HARZ Al2O3

  8. HARZ CaO

  9. HARZ FeO

  10. HARZ MgO

  11. HARZ SiO2

  12. PRIM Al2O3

  13. PRIM CaO

  14. PRIM FeO

  15. PRIM MgO

  16. PRIM Na2O

  17. PRIM SiO2

Any extra columns are not used.

Perple_X mineral physics information

For details about the Perple_X free energy minimisation package see Connolly (2009). Version Perple_X_6.6.8_OSX_Intel_generic_MC_Feb_24_2013 was used. For a given set of parameters (13-30) this produces ascii look up tables * Not all have identical grids. Each file contains a header. The format of these files and headers is:

Outputs from the StagYY simulations

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